4:11 AM | Posted in
Here is a brief summary of the bill before the Ugandan parliament,
Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 (read the original text):

1. Anybody committing a homosexual act can be imprisoned for life.
2. Those who 'attempt' a homosexual act can be imprisoned for up to 7 years.
3. Those who know of homosexuality taking place, but do not report it, can be imprisoned for up to 3 years. This includes hotel owners whose rooms are being used by a gay couple.
4. Anybody committing a homosexual act more than once faces the death penalty.
5. Anybody who commits a homosexual act and is HIV-positive faces the death penalty.
6. Anybody who enters a same-sex union can be imprisoned for life.
7. The law applies to any Ugandan citizen or resident who commits a homosexuality crime, even if the act is committed in a country where it is legal. Extradition will be sought (not like any civilised country would grant such an extradition).
8. Organisations, blogs, etc. which promote gay rights are illegal, effectively banning opposition to the bill once passed.
9. Any international treaties which contain provisions counter to this bill (ie. human rights treaties) are declared void.
10. The bill also declares same-sex attraction to be purely a choice, with no natural influence.

So people who commit homosexual acts more than once (ie. most homosexuals) face death.

deepthroat: Anwar should ask the Ugandan Parliamentarians to support his case.


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